Ctrl+Z. Ctrl+Me.

"Just living is not enough", said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
— Hans Christian Andersen.

but i can't draw the line.


Life, what is it but a dream?

— Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass.


a fresh deck of cards,
mint condition.

take out the jokers
toss them aside.

separate the cards
into respective suits.

begin to build
a house of cards.

hold in a deep breath,
steady hands.

stacking card on top of card
on the edge.

it's almost complete 
three storeys high.

aim higher,
or stop here?

keep going,
accomplish something.

hold in another breath,
the air is still.

keep going,
the peak is limitless.

almost forgetting that
the number of cards is limited.

overthinking about how
the entire structure will collapse.

hands be shaking too much,
wind be blowing stronger than a breeze.

with bated breath,
on to the final card at the top.

click the lighter,
set the house of cards ablaze.

what did that accomplish?



you're just a habit
that i know i gotta break
i know you're no good for me
but i can't stay away.


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